Have you been wanting to launch your own website? Are you worried about the cost and the barrier to entry for the process? This video will show you step by step on how to setup a website using one of the most popular static-site generators, Hugo, and automating the deployment of the site. This guide will also show you how to use a Gitlab account to host the website for FREE!
This method of making a website is more simple than most would believe, because it offloads most of the nitpicks of web hosting to specialized tools using pre-configured templates. I’ll be covering all of that and more in the video below.
If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to me in the comments section below!
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If you found this tutorial helpful then you should also check out Ryan’s tutorial on setting up Restic Backup.
If you had a channel with 1,000 videos I still wouldn’t have expected one that professional.
Welcome to my newsboat, hope it’s not the last video.
Thank you! I appreciate it.
Not entirely sure what to make next. Probably something Ansible or Chezmoi related.
@rwaltr thank you for posting this for a couple of reasons.
I checked out your blog and realized that you were the author of the Fedora Magazine article on Chezmoi which was one of my favorite articles on Fedora Magazine recently, so thank you for this article. It got me thinking about actually doing something to manage all of my dotfiles between my different linux boxes. I’ve been using syncthing but I need to manually remember to copy from the home root folder the dotfiles I update into the syncthing folder that gets synced. Your method seems much better, but I would have to break the habit of quickly typing “vim .bashrc or .vimrc”.
You are a Fedora user and it is always fun to find another Fedora user.
You showed “toolbox” in your video which I have never heard of before or seen used, and now I have another new thing to learn
You are providing great content and lots of food for thought. Your tutorials and articles really make me think, “Self you should get to work on that too! It would be fun and useful.” Thanks for all that you are adding to the Open Source community with your tutorials both in video and written form.
@rwaltr this seems like it should be on FPL
I will send you a PM to discuss this further.

AsciiDoc is pretty awesome from what I understand from it, You might find Antora intresting.
Mostly pedantic, Gitlab is not bound to Microsoft. But I do like how I can self host Gitlab in the future and my workflow would not change too much,
Another reason is that this is really a tutorial to show how Gitlab’s CI/CD works, disguised as a website tutorial. It was originally meant to be a crash course for those who might be shy at TXLF about attending CI/CD talks, thinking that it is much more complex than it is.
It took me a while to do adopt this as well, I use the Neovim plugin
Plug 'Lilja/vim-chezmoi'
to help out with that, It allows neovim to instantly apply any changes I make withchezmoi edit <file>
sometimes I also just edit directly in the source, you can easily get there usingchezmoi cd
Fedora 4 lyfe!
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